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The Cochran Firm Atlanta has launched a brand new website, Facebook, YouTube, and Google+ page


The site’s homepage features an educational video library, uncluttered design as well as including updated social media links. A few of our goals with the new website were to make it faster, easier to navigate and user friendly.

As an attorney, I knew that it was important to create a website that provides our current and prospective clients with educational and informative content. Our new site features an entire section dedicated to videos that we have recorded that answer questions about Workers’ Compensation.

Each page on the website explains more about our practice area of the law and what Cochran Firm Atlanta – Workers’ Compensation does. We have made the experience more engaging by creating a variety of ways for you to interact with the site and to access the information you want.

We hope you enjoy our new site. Please check back frequently, as we will be continuing to make updates and improvements. If you would like to share comments or suggestions, please send your feedback to us at

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If you are facing a legal issue and need help, please contact us. There is no fee or obligation for the first consultation.


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