
[VIDEO] How Much Is My Workers Compensation Case Worth?

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[VIDEO] How Much Is My Workers Compensation Case Worth?

Hi. I’m Attorney Andre’ Ramsay, your workers’ compensation attorney.

I get asked all the time, how much is my workers’ compensation case worth?

The truth is, it depends.

Before I answer that question, let me tell you how a workers’ compensation case is different from any other case, specifically a slip and fall, and a personal injury case.

Workers’ compensation does not award injured workers’ pain and suffering. Now, I know you’ve been through a tough time. You’ve been through pain and suffering, and you probably still will go through that no matter what happens with your case. But it’s important to realize that there is no value in workers’ compensation for pain and suffering.

Injuries pay out based on the type of injury it is. For instance, if it’s a back injury, that may have more value than an ankle injury or perhaps a hand injury.

Truthfully, it’s based off of how much you make on a weekly basis and how much the insurance company owes you if you are out of work for a defined period of time.

There are three things we consider in any workers’ compensation settlement:

  • First, how much do they owe you on a weekly basis?
  • Second, how much is needed for your future medical treatment and for how long?
  • Third, what is your disability rating?
A disability rating is typically assigned to you by your workers’ compensation doctor.tweet

A disability rating is typically assigned to you by your workers’ compensation doctor. But he or she won’t assign that until you’ve been through some form of treatment for a period of time, and after you have reached what is called maximum medical improvement.

That just simply means there is nothing else the doctor can do to put you in a better position; and due to your injury and accident, you’ve lost a percentage of the use of your body.

Those three factors are what we take into consideration when we’re coming up with any type of value.

At the Cochran Firm, I will always contact you and discuss what your claim is worth – well before I submit a demand to the insurance company. So you and I will have a good understanding of where your case is, how much it’s worth, and more importantly, how much the insurance company will pay.

So give me a call today. Let’s discuss your treatment as well as your settlement options. Again, I am Andre Ramsay, the lawyer for the everyday worker.

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